Please tell the viewers a little bit about yourself.
I have 3 boys. I juggle the writing while raising emotionally well- adjusted kids pretty well....most of the time. Just a few days ago I had to accept two things; number one: a writer cannot be a mum and have a tidy house; and two: I am not one of those people who uses breadcrumbs. And after 30 years, I am finally okay with that.
What is a typical writing day like for you?
I get the kids off to school, answer messages then work the social media a little, then, if I'm in the 'writing phase' I sit on my bed or desk with my MacBook and I write...and write...and write. Break for coffee. Eat if my body is screaming. Then write.
The editing phase is a much slower because I really don't enjoy tearing my work apart and telling myself it's crap. But that's when being a writer becomes 'work'. And nothing is worth doing if it's easy, right?
If there's a full moon, my family all know to leave me alone for almost the entire day and night, because that's when I get my best stuff. The moon, you might say, is like a drug to me. It's my own personal brand of creativity pills.
Oh, and I also always try to go walking. Being a writer means you can stack weight on quickly and are at risk of deep vein thrombosis from sitting on your butt all day. So, a walk is an essential part of my routine. (Well, on most days)
What made you want to be an author?
I was just born to do it. I was always raised with the belief that you need a 'real job' and that you should become a doctor or something, then you can write as a hobby. I have disproved that theory through sheer stubbornn ess and determination. It's a drive I can't explain--something that comes from somewhere soul-deep. I am compelled to write. I could not live if I could not write. But I didn't make this decision until after I had my third child and decided that life had to be what I wanted to make it.
There are five books (at the moment). The series follows the story of a very confused young girl who struggles with the ideas and methods of conforming to modern society (she just doesn't get it). She suffers a tragedy that leaves her depressed and, quite frankly, suicidal. Then, she meets a vampire, and everything changes. The Dark Secrets series is Ara-Rose's story from the beginning, where it's all about true love, to the end, where the story takes an unexpected turn and delves into the world of battles and knights, of kings and queens, and a prophecy that will tear Ara's life apart. But presented in a way girls will enjoy (I can't say I'm one for reading lengthy action scenes).
Anyway, as I was saying; you will be taken on an emotional roller coaster through issues that are often avoided in literature, but in this series are merely captivating and inspiring. Your heart will break, you will die a little inside and you will curse this author from time to time for the pain I will put you through, but you will also love every minute of it.
How do you come up with your ideas?
I spend too much time thinking. A lot of ideas come in the middle of the night, waking me from peaceful slumber. My books are mostly about deep emotional connections, so the theme in the book really is only secondary to the way the characters interact with each other. I often to address controversial and emotional issues that some people may have trouble dealing with. I can't say I help them deal with those by reading a fictional novel, but I can definitely show them that they're not alone. Other than that, I try to write about things (eg; vampires) that I, myself, enjoy reading about. Also, I like to make it believable enough that you could say "Yeah, this David guy could actually exist."
What are you currently working on?
I'm deep in the thick of the Dark Secrets series. Book three is under my fingertips right now and I'm also working on a few other titles; there's a ghost story and a reworked version of Frankenstein.
Who are some of your favorite authors?

What advice can you give to people who want to become an author?
You have to write bad to write good. No matter what you do, don't set out to be the best, just set out to write something you would read. Then, when you finish, go over it at least six times and fatten it out then slim it down, then hand it to someone. If they don't like it, don't lose heart--you're not a failure, you just need to get back in there and write some more. Also, you must read if you want to write. Read everything and anything. A person who enjoys a book will automatically have a head start on the rest of the aspiring writers. The only other thing is to decide that it's what you want to do, then, don't let anything stop you. Each time you feel like you're no good, tell yourself to shut up, then go write all your feelings down.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Yes, a few of my favorite, inspiring quotes:
"Nothing is worth doing without doing it properly."
"A poor man shops twice" (that means that when you try to save a buck, you usually end up spending more).
"Nothing to it but to do it."
"A man who lives within his means lacks any imagination" ~that one was by Oscar Wilde.
Thank you so much for having me today, it was a lot of fun.

Looking forward to the 2nd Book. The first one just blew me away! Great interview and some really interesting and cool 'writing' advice. Some writers just have it and A. Hudson is one of them.
ReplyDeleteThank you for enjoying the Interview! You will LOVE the second book!